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UCDA Social Media

Revving Our Online Presence: The Power of Social Media for Dealers in Ontario Social media provides a space

Selling a High Theft Rate Vehicle… It May Be a Material Fact

It’s no secret. There is an auto theft epidemic across the country and Ontario is at the center

Simplicity: KYCS Vehicle Locate Product

KYCS Locate offers a theft recovery solution for dealerships. The selfpowered waterproof device is simple to install. Installation

Dealer Plates

We still get complaints from members from time to time about incorrect enforcement by police in some areas

Fraud in Auto Finance

Most of this article is based on information from a webinar put on by our Partner, National Bank,

Auto Theft Progress

Update While far from being solved, the auto theft problem seems to be easing for the first time

Indian Status Cards

A “Certificate of Indian Status” card, issued by the Federal Government of Canada, Indigenous Services Canada, is the

Members Asked For Garage Registers

Members got them! Do you like keeping a printed Garage Register? You are not alone, many of our


UCDA Social Media

Revving Our Online Presence: The Power of Social Media for Dealers in Ontario Social media provides a space

Selling a High Theft Rate Vehicle… It May Be a Material Fact

It’s no secret. There is an auto theft epidemic across the country and Ontario is at the center

Simplicity: KYCS Vehicle Locate Product

KYCS Locate offers a theft recovery solution for dealerships. The selfpowered waterproof device is simple to install. Installation

